AG Manibusan and AG Camacho announce ‘One Marianas’ consumer protection outreach

National Consumer Protection Week 2021
To kick off National Consumer Protection Week (Feb. 28 – March 5, 2021) Attorneys General Edward Manibusan and Leevin T. Camacho announced collaboration between their offices to spread awareness on topics and laws that affect consumers throughout the Marianas.
Attorney General Edward Manibusan said, “We are excited for this important public awareness and outreach campaign aimed at protecting our consumers in the CNMI and Guam.” He continues, “We are grateful for this opportunity to collaborate and work with the Guam Office of the Attorney General which will strengthen our efforts in combating violations of the Consumer Protection Act on our islands.”
AG Manibusan and AG Camacho also reaffirmed their commitment to a cooperative effort where both offices work jointly on consumer-related investigations and issues of reported products and services purchased on Guam and sold in the CNMI, and vice versa. Historically, there have been purported regional price-gouging and inflation claims, as well as cases where businesses have misled consumers about the quality of product being sold.
This collaboration joins a growing list of initiatives between the CNMI and Guam such as the joint petition seeking High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) designations under the Hawaii HIDTA.
“Whether it’s protecting island consumers, preventing the importation of drugs, or seeking additional resources to combat the drug crisis affecting our islands, Guam and the NMI are stronger when we are unified in intention and action,” said Attorney General Leevin T. Camacho.
The CNMI Office of the Consumer Counsel is led by Assistant Attorney General Abbi Novotny and Deputy Attorney General Fred Nishihira leads the Guam Consumer Protection Division.