OAG welcomes two new AAG’s

The Office of the Attorney General welcomes two new Assistant Attorneys General The Office of the Attorney General is pleased to announce the addition of two new assistant attorneys general, Deanna M. Ogo and Benjamin K. Petersburg. Deanna and Benjamin join the litigation team of the civil division. “On behalf […]

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Public Service Announcement April 10, 2019

Public Service Announcement April 10, 2019 The Attorney General’s Office of Consumer Counsel, the Bureau of Environmental Health, and the Community Health Center Department of Public Health would like to remind the public to never take unknown medicine, especially medicine found in public places. Many drugs may have harmful side-effects […]

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Argosy University closure

Argosy University closure On March 8, 2019, Argosy University announced the closure of many stateside campuses and its online program, effective immediately. This news came after the discovery that the university used $13 million of student loan money from the US Department of Education to cover payroll and other expenses. […]

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Price freeze remains in effect for the CNMI

Price freeze remains in effect for the CNMI The Office of the Attorney General would like to remind all retailers in the CNMI that the Declaration of Price Freeze signed by Governor Ralph DLG. Torres on October 27, 2018 remains in effect until it is rescinded, or until the declaration […]

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Former Chief Prosecutor becomes new Consumer Counsel

Former Chief Prosecutor becomes new Consumer Counsel After having served the past two years as Chief Prosecutor for the Criminal Division, Michele Harris has recently been appointed by Attorney General Manibusan to serve as Consumer Counsel for the OAG. In addition to her many years of prosecution, Harris also has […]

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